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16 pounder

Well guys, Emilia is going to hit 10 months in two days! She weighed in at 16 pounds for the first time today!

We are over the moon with her growth and can't believe we have such a BIG BABY :) We frequently get asked about when the tube will come out...not until she's taking about 90% of her calories by mouth. Unfortunately, she is gaining her weight via tube feedings as she takes about 10% of her calories by mouth currently. She just doesn't like the bottle and is still figuring out food. She seems to be liking the Cerebelly pouches and loves our chef neighbor's Milk & Patience Aussie Style Yogurt made with coconut milk. Available at Sprouts if you live around Dallas (it's the best yogurt you've ever had; even if you aren't a yogurt fan, you will like this yogurt).

Emilia does an awesome job drinking water out of a mini water bottle and wants to be in charge of the spoon at meal time (which we gladly handover).

This past month we visited Punta Cana, DR. Emilia enjoyed herself. She dug her toes in the sand and didn't mind it. She did not like the waves but was a fan of the pool. She really enjoyed that they served water in wine glasses and that is her new favorite glass of choice, lol.


Tomorrow we have an eye exam and I am wishing and praying and hoping so badly that with this weight gain we have also seen growth in the blood vessels in her eyes to the point where they have completed growth and we can stop going and don't have to have laser.

Emilia screams out in her sleep and cries sometimes and it is just heartbreaking to think of all of the different things she could be hacing a bad dream about. But we pick her up and hold her and give her lots of kisses and love.

She's asleep on me right now, she's so long now that i have to hold her sideways. ❤️ I'd love to fill you guys in more on all of her weekly appointments with physical therapy, speech and feeding therapist, her dietician, and even GI. But it's time for medicine. With reflux meds and donor milk from DAIRY FREE donors - she is headed in the right direction.

Can you even believe she'll be a year in two months?! 🤯

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