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NICU Updates

Emilia Rose

Welcome to Emilia Rose's NICU updates blog. Here, we will keep you updated on Emilia's progress and share our journey with you. We appreciate all the love, prayers, and support you have shown us during this difficult time.

Emilia was born 7.11.2023 at 25 weeks & 5 days, weighing 1lb 7oz.  Angelica has preeclampsia and was in Lubbock. She checked into UMC Health ER with a blood pressure (BP) of 210/110, and a urine protein level of 8.  Some very hard decisions had to be made.

We were able to give Emilia two extra days which allowed her to have steroid shots to help her air sacs. Her organs are not fully developed.


We will be here in Lubbock with her for the foreseeable future.

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